No matter who you are or where you come from...
Blue-collar, white-collar, or no-collar, all kinds of people call FBE home. And you are welcome to be a part of the family.
Watch on our website or
YouTube Live
wherever you're comfortable.
English at 11 AM
We are open for in-person worship for your family.
Sunday mornings
9:45 Small Groups
(English y Español)
11 English Worsip
11 Adoración en Español
In Person Mid-Week Worship
Family Meal at 5:15PM
Kids (AWANA)/Youth/Adult Worship
starting at 6.15 PM
For all ages up through 5th grade.
Fun and age-appropriate activities...
Grades 6th-12th, we help your students work out the struggles of growing up...
From the Sunday worship through the weekly small groups, dive deeper into the Bible and faith...
Kenny and I are so proud of FBE! We highly recommend this fellowship.
We're here to serve your family. Send us a message or call us at 956-383-1635 and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Worship Service
11 AM English
11 AM Español
Adult Bible Study
9:45 am English
9.45 am Español
FBE Youth at 9:45am
FBE Kids at 9:45am
Nursery available during
Adult Bible Fellowship times
and during
the worship service