is a group of 3 to 5 people (same gender) who commit for a defined period of time (12-18 months) to meet together regularly seeking accelerated spiritual transformation.
Each D-group meeting is 60-90 minutes. Each meeting agenda will cover 5 weekly disciplines: Bible reading, journaling, scripture memory, accountability and prayer.
The group commits to an atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty and transparency.
The group will pray weekly for each other and for those in their lives who do not know Jesus.
The group will pray and look for others to invite into a new D-group as their current group multiplies.
MARCS of a disciple
• Missional - life on mission
• Accountable
• Reproducible - disciple making disciples
• Communal - engaged in small group and whole church life
• Scriptural
Bible Study Resources for your D-Group
Worship Service
11 AM English
11 AM Español
Adult Bible Study
9:45 am English
9.45 am Español
FBE Youth at 9:45am
FBE Kids at 9:45am
Nursery available during
Adult Bible Fellowship times
and during
the worship service