Dominating the headlines is the coronavirus. Most media outlets and political platforms are using the news to generate money and publicity. So, please don't react in panic to what you hear on tv news, whether it be Fox, CBS or someone else.
Let me shed some truth and some links to find additional truth concerning this issue.
As of Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic concerning the spread of COVID-19. Here is what you need to know.
COVID-19 is the short acronym for what is known as the Corona Disease 2019. It is called a novel coronavirus simply because this strain is new to us (novel). There are many different types of coronavirus that we are accustomed to; from those that cause the common cold to the various types of flu we encounter every year.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), COVID19 is spreading between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This is why in places where the infection is thriving, the practice of social distancing (staying 3-6 feet from other people) has been implemented.
To the best of my knowledge, state and federal government agencies are doing a fairly decent job. Their main task is not to add to the panic. This is why many times you will see government representatives downplaying the virus.
All are at risk of getting sick. There are many cases already of people who have gotten sick and recovered, over 68,000 to date. Many people will contract the virus and never know it. And yes, there are some severe cases.
To get information on current updates, here are the sites that will give you up to date, truthful and objective information.
What should I do now?
Wash frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol content. Soap and water works very well.
Wash surfaces down well. Keep things clean around the house. At FBE, we are cleaning all surfaces often and as best we can.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Stay at least 3 feet away from someone who is coughing or sneezing.
Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze.
If you have have fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention early.
On Sunday, I will answer the questions, "Where is God in all of this?" and "What does God's Word tell me to do?"
For now, let me encourage you with this - God did not cause this virus (our sin and fallen world did). But God will redeem it. He causes even viruses to work for the good of those called according to His purposes.
When Jesus' disciples encountered a storm on the sea of Galilee, they were afraid while Jesus was asleep in the boat. Followers of Christ live in the courage and hope that is ours in Jesus Christ. Following Jesus will not always deliver us from the storm. Many times it leads us into the storm. But its not about the storm, its about who is with us in the midst. The same Jesus who woke up and calmed the storm for the disciples is the same Jesus who is with us in this current storm. He tells us in Jn 14.1 - "Let not your heart be troubled...believe in me." Be wise, take common sense precautions, but don't panic, don't live in fear, believe God.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning.