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Officially Fatigued

David Alexander • August 20, 2020

In a whole new way

So I am officially fatigued.
I have experienced various types of fatigue in my lifetime. This is not exhaustion or tiredness after a hard days work or grueling workout. This is fatigue; I have had several types of it:

Emotional fatigue - since I hate confrontations, this occurs to me after having been criticized unfairly or had to confront someone for one reason or another. This doesn’t happen often. 

People fatigue - this happens on various levels. People who lack sense, who are lazy, or incompetent bring on fatigue. If I spend a lot of time having to converse, counsel, “perform” or be sociable, it wears me out. Don't misunderstand, I like people. As I pray for God to give me His perspective on people, I find I am burdened more and more by the secularism and syncretism ever more evident in our society.  I still find it amusing that God has called me into the people business. So this fatigue I have learned to cope with. It's a good thing that in my weakness He is strong. 

Cultural fatigue - being a 3rd culture person, I have the blessing (or curse) of experiencing the best and worst of various cultures. Obviously what is good or bad about a culture is probably subjective on my part. Nonetheless, when the worst of a culture bombards me for a constant period of time, cultural fatigue sets in. It could happen with the rapid rise of secularism in the US, but I would equate that more to cultural frustration than fatigue. 

Pandemic fatigue - this is a new one. This is my current fatigue. It came on probably last weekend but I recognized it for what it is today. I am fatigued with COVID. Having to wear a mask, having to be health conscious and distant, not being able to gather, wondering if the person next to me is going to give me COVID, having to make decisions that affect a number of persons who will all have various different perspectives on COVID polity, hearing politicians blame each other for it. Yeah, I’m fatigued. I’m ready for this pandemic to be over. 

Amidst this, two things come to mind that cause me to realize my fatigue is 1)not a new thing, 2)not the worst thing to ever happen. Noah sent out the dove that came back with a branch. Yet he still had to wait 2 months before he could leave the ark. In regard to always being cautious, there are people living under severe religious persecution that are faced with this type of environment every single day - having to watch what you say or who you hang out with or how you conduct yourself. 

So yeah, I’m fatigued, but I still don’t have it so bad. So David, "suck it up and get on with it." 

So, what to do with this?
There are things I must do even more intentionally.
  • Seek time to replenish and refuel - Dr Pepper, good music and a good book.
  • Be gentle and kind
  • Be understanding. If I feel this way, I am sure all around me have various degrees of it.
  • Think long before making decisions
  • Listen and accept counsel of others
  • Stay the course, keep the faith. Good thing the quality of my faith is measured by the object of my faith and not me. 
Looks good on paper anyway:) 

“Do not tire of doing good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest - if we do not give up.” Gal 6.9
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