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Pray. Think. Vote

David Alexander • October 13, 2020

Pray. Think. Vote.
The Supreme Court justice confirmation hearing is in full swing, the polls in Texas opened today. It's an understatement to say that politics are on full display and its a spiritually crucial time for us as a nation. 

There are many key topics that are impacting us today. Everyone may have their list of more important. Here are a few of mine in no really particular order:
* The continued murder of babies, now adding up to 60 million over the past 50 years, for mostly the sake of convenience. Yes, I am unashamedly pro-life. The Republican and Democratic platforms are very clearly on opposite ends of this issue. Thankfully Republicans have embraced the Sanctity of Life while Democrats are even allowing abortion after the baby has been born (ie. Virginia).

* The redefinition of marriage is the recent result of a sexual revolution that started many decades ago. This redefinition of what it means to be a man or woman made in the image of God has devastating consequences that are being seen already in our society. Again, the two main political parties are at two opposite ends of this issue. My sexual identity as a man was given to me at conception by God. People are created male or female. We live in a binary world. God decides this at conception. It is not dependent on how I feel or how I choose to see myself. I don't have a right to change this. Women cannot serve as fathers any more than a man can serve as a mother. As society continues to try and erase the gender distinctions, our community will continue to degrade and the social issues will worsen. 

* Having a government of limited size matters. Larger governments tend to get too much into my life and spend too much money that we don't have to spend; among other things. I pray our government will continue to allow religious liberty. There is already evidence of decreased religious liberty by some governmental factions in the USA. Socialism has never worked and will not work. I need less of Caesar and more of God. 

* Social justice is important. As a pro-lifer and parent to two minority children, my wife and I work hard to emphasize to our family that all are created in the image of God. Part of the motto of our church is to love God and love others. Whereas government cannot solve racism, those in authority need to proactively promote equality. But only by constant submission to Christ will a person defeat personal bias and prejudice.   
     There are people in need around us. This is a mission for the Church. The government could do a better job in dealing with this, but handouts and entitlements are not the answer. Teach people "how to fish" rather than just "handing out fish." 

* Immigration laws that actually work. Neither party has done much of anything in the past 3 decades to fix this. Open borders are dangerous. Our government should keep our borders safe, but provide a reasonable way for immigrants to apply for entry. 

*The list goes on...

I am sure you have similar topics of importance to you. This election is messy. It's hard to see past the character of the candidates. The media is not telling the truth on the issues. We definitely need to pray and seek God's wisdom and direction. 

May I suggest a resource to explore before you go to the polls? 

A website has been set up   There you will be able to examine the stance all of the candidates have who are running for office in all the states.  Read the positions, pray for God to guide you so that you may vote on biblical conviction rather than emotion.  

More importantly, if you are a follower of Christ,  the moment to give an answer of the hope that is in you to those around. Speak up with love, gentleness and boldness. 

Whatever the result, our God still reigns. His plan will not be thwarted. The church still has a mission. 

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